Monday, December 3, 2012

vintage pajamas


i mean yeah last Sunday i have done .... ummmm ..... nothing just waking up in the same position and got up with super vintage pajamas which wore by my brother when he was 5 (it fits me perfectly) then i went down to my old granparents' floor but now it just a storeroom for keeping some food and stuffs, it is a really nice room to take a vintage photo i don't know why maybe it just belonged to old people once i felt really ancient every time when my mum ask me to get something there. i love that coat by the way it's not mine its my grandpa's and tartan is on top right now i just think its tartan but not sure is it absolutely tartan or not... whatever i know this is the worst fashion-pajamas you guys ever seen but who cares? you do? oh thank you I HEART YOU

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